If you've been sitting on the sidelines and you wanted to work with me, well now is your chance. I've built 5 different million dollar businesses at the age of 27 and this month we will carefully select 10 clients to work with to take them to the next level…
This past weekend just finished up my private high level coaching and implementation S.H.I.C Mastermind. It's a 1 year Coaching program that includes multiple workshops with me all throughout the year…
We help internet marketers, network marketers, small business owners, busy-ceo's, burnt out execs and ambitious marketers who want to get a truly unfair advantage come and spend time with me and my team to breakthrough to getting results that matter.
Clients invest tens of thousands of dollars to come and learn from me on how to grow their online business to the next level in person.
Want to work with me?
As you probably already know by now I've built 5 different million dollar businesses at the age of 27 so I have the ‘experience' rather than just information.
I've made all the mistakes there is, and I'm deeply passionate about helping people unleash their potential, make money, have fun, make a difference and help change the world for the better…
This past week I met with my clients, hosted 2 events (2 days each), met Ryan Deiss, met Dan Sullivan investing about $30,000 CASH into my own education and transformations to get to the next level.
Yesterday I spent time with Tai Lopez and joined his private high-level mastermind too.
This is how you become successful.
One of the common feedback I got from the group this past weekend was they loved how I can “have fun” and make money and break all the records….
One of the common feedback I got from the group this past weekend was they loved how I can “have fun” and make money and break all the records….
I know you can be stressed and have success or you can have success with actual ‘fulfillment'….
You see….
In 2009 when I first started internet marketing, joined my first ever company Carbon Copy PRO & Wealth Masters International I figured out a few things and made over 6 figures with that company…
….then I stumbled across Empower Network and used my know-how to beat 300,000+ other affiliate marketers and generate 1.6M in commissions….
Too many people in this industry don't get results, we are on a mission to disrupt and changing this.
This week we'll be opening up 10 spots to this high level “work-with-Shaqir” mastermind.
Read the letter here because we are taking on only 10 people >
I'll be sending another email today with a special invitation for a live online workshop this week.
– Shaqir Hussyin
CEO, Speaker, Author & Rain Maker
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