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Successful People Do These Habits Without Knowing

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Here is the trick that i first discovered many many years ago when it came to achieving more results faster. And one of the ways I did this is because of this simple little concept of reducing friction okay? And you want to…one of the things that I do, is i have these little notepads all over my desk, i write something down. And I repeat myself many many times and I look at it many many times so what will happen is i’m conditioning my mind to focus on that. Right?

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#ShaqirHussyin  #HabitsOfSuccessfulPeople  #Entrpreneurship

Habits of Successful People

Here are the most often-cited habits and things successful people do to become successful. I want to talk about this little mindTo focus on that, one of the things i write down is something like reducing friction. Now here's what i found out. Nearly all of the most successful entrepreneurs, people that i have met, that i’ve interviewed, i’ve met over a hundred millionaires, billionaires, and i’ve interviewed them all over the world.

I got to kind of sit with them and just get really into their mind. One of the things that I see amongst all of them is that they have an ability to reduce friction. Okay? And to drive this point home, i’ll give you an example.

I started going to the gym a few months ago and i’ve lost a few kilograms but that's not what i’m talking about here. What i’m talking about there is … i would take my rucksack has prepared with all the gym clothes, and then that would last me for one day.

Because i would have to go to the gym, use the clothes and then i have to either wash it, or i can't use that clothes again because i’m sweating obviously, so what i said to myself was…how do i reduce the friction of packing my clothes each and every single day…figuring out what to wear…you know that extra mind thinking power that you don't need to do as an entrepreneur you want to make sure that your thinking power is clean and clear and focused.

And so…even today i was going through my bag and one i … somehow i left one sandal at home and then i had one other sandal like a flip flop, and i'm taking it to the….and i'm going to the gym and after the gym im thinking to myself,

where is the other flip flop? And it really bugged me…it really bugged me because i really don't like walking around the mens gym barefoot. 

Cultivating A Daily Routine

It's just not something i like doing and so i asked myself what do i need to do so that this never happens again? And this thinking is called inevitability thinking… Inevitability thinking….inevitability thinking…and what that means how can you create conditions in your life so the end outcome is inevitable.

No matter what happens, you are going to achieve that end result  because you've placed the conditions. You with me so far? Is this making sense? Are you getting the power of this. Inevitability thinking…and i asked myself you know?

There's a little locker that you can rent for like 20 pounds a month and if you rent it which i actually pay for already 20 pound a month which is like 30 bucks a month and you can store. I thought okay what i should do is have a pair of flip flops in my bag and then have a pair of flip flops in the locker box and then instead of carrying your clothes each and every single day, if i spend maybe 15 minutes.

And i just got five pairs of boxers, five vests five t-shirts and I stored it in that locker then i wouldn’t have to necessarily go out and pack my bag and spend 10-15 minutes extra in the morning finding everything if i just do it once, it would last me the whole week and there's no friction.

Go to the gym, got extra clothes, got extra sandals, got extra soap, got all of my toiletries, whatever, separate and when you can start behaving in this manner what will happen is this. You’ll have an immense level of clarity and focus okay, and i’ve seen it. And i regularly do these things. I ask myself, what are the things, what are the people, what are the opportunities, even today i had, i think i had like maybe 2 calls scheduled for some sort of uh, investing thing. 

Doesn't matter what it is. But something along the lines of investors and investing. And i was asking myself, you know, it's an extra additional, friction activity that’s not really going to drive my core business…sure it's going to help me down the line but where i am now, it's not urgent, it's not something that needs to be done.

And so i immediately had to cancel those calls. Okay so ask yourself, how can you reduce friction in your life? How can you reduce friction in your day to day activities. In the relationships that you have with people?

Entrepreneurs Life

The relationship that you have with yourself. Sometimes as entrepreneurs we can be so tough on ourselves, right? I know i am. And instead of always being so tough, what if you are a lot more friendlier with yourself. You love yourself a little bit more, you were a little bit more chilled out instead of freaking out and being reactive for every single thing that doesn't go right.

Because as an entrepreneur or if you're not an entrepreneur and you’re starting to become one, you know, these things happen and one of the most powerful tools that i’ve developed is this, which i call my 10X productivity booster.

And you can download this by the way at wealth academy dot com forward slash TEN X, it's free of charge there's no opt in, just click, download it, print it out and each day, print this out. Print 5 of them out so it will last you 5 days. And every single day just tick off everything that you’re doing.

Anyway i hope you enjoyed this video on reducing friction and give me some feedback if you’d like more of these, just ‘like’ and i’ll keep doing them. If you don't like them, that's fine too. I just post these videos on my youtube instead of here but i’d appreciate your feedback and i'm here to support you guys. And i will be speaking to you guys soon.

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About The Author

Your Millionaire Mentor
Shaqir Hussyin

Shaqir Hussyin is the founder and CEO of & Nicknamed the “Backpack Millionaire”, he’s invested $350,000 into his own education and training. Whilst traveling to 100+ countries, Shaqir has built over 10+ million dollar brands and attracted over 500,000+ subscribers.

His signature program is now available: Max Income System; 14 Simple Steps To Making Your First Income Online.

Shaqir is also a highly sought-after speaker and direct response “Sales Funnels” global leader. Shaqir’s work has impacted over 100,000 businesses in 65 different countries. Connect with Shaqir on Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn & FB Group.

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