How I Grew From Zero To $1Million PER MONTH

My Origin Story

Shaqir Hussyin

Shaqir Hussyin is the founder and CEO of &, nicknamed the “Backpack Millionaire”, he's invested $350,000 into his own education and training.

Since 2009, over 500,000+ Subscribers and members have joined the Online Profits Daily Newsletter. Shaqir and his team have hosted over 150+ live events all over the world. Featured on Forbes as a Digital Trendsetter, Home Business Connection and many leading websites. Known as the Backpack Millionaire for travelling 100+ countries and running an 8 figure business (soon to be 9 figures) Shaqir has quickly become the go-to authority in the areas of High Ticket Marketing, Digital Publishing, Live Events & Seminars, Email Marketing, Sales Funnels, Webinars and Online Marketing.

Here's My Story; How I Went From Zero To Multi-Millionaire By The Age Of 25…

Hi. Welcome to this page, I'm excited for you and the journey you're about to embark.

First of all I’ll be clear about one thing. I didn’t used to like people /websites talk about themselves. But after meeting 10 billionaires, over 100+ millionaires, I can tell you right now the ONE thing in common with them is they ALL HAVE A STORY.

So don’t be afraid to share your story, read other people’s story because just ONE idea can make you rich. wealthy. free. That’s why you’re reading this in the first place, right? Good.

So I owe it to you, my valued reader, to know who is writing to you. It’s a matter of trust. So here goes.

I’m Shaqir Hussyin – founder of WealthAcademy, entrepreneur man on a mission. I've founded and created over 10 brands, promotions and companies that I've built to over $1 million dollars each. 2 of them to over $10 million in sales. During that time I've created a hyper responsive profitable list of over 570,000+ subscribers and thousands of clients all over the world. I have personally hosted over 130+ live events, seminars and workshops.

I've been very fortunate to travel the world (over 100 countries) to learn what I know now. I married my best friend and sweetheart.

All at the age of 29.

Now I have one focus for the next 25 years.

Building to becoming the ultimate premiere community for wealth creation. Money, riches and wealth isn't everything in life, but it's what gives freedom, freedom to create, to strive, thrive and create from a place of abundance. Freedom is everything.

I've built businesses in all various areas of digital marketing making me one of the world's leading experts when it comes to marketing online.

It was 2009, I was morbidly obese, didn't have much friends, growing up in East London, UK all the people I knew was either getting corporate jobs or selling drugs and that future didn't look too promising.

I started searching online, offline and everywhere – I had accidently stumbled upon a website just like this with a guy sharing how he's travelling the world, it opened my eyes to a whole new way of thinking. That thinking led me to becoming an internet millionaire in less than 3 years. I went from buried in debt, dropping out of university in my final year, to starting and developing my online business.

After learning the hard way what works, what doesn't. Working my ass off. I discovered a few truths.

Collectively, I've sold WELL over $30 million dollars worth of products and services across my businesses.

So when it comes to starting and growing businesses from the ground up I not only have a successful personal track record but I've also help a lot of other entrepreneurs succeed as well. I helped members of my family, friends and clients become financially free.

The one thing that I’ve noticed after doing business and coaching literally tens of thousands of other entrepreneurs over the years, is that more often than not, it's really just ONE insight that can make a dramatic game changing difference in your business. You're ONE insight away from creating a life, business and income you truly desire and dream about.

It might seem hard to believe, but I promise you that it’s the truth. ONE Thing. 

On average, I travel to over 20 countries per year… Speaking, educating, training and empowering entrepreneurs, small business owners to start, grow and scale their online business. Now that I've travelled to over 100+ countries and wrote the best selling book; The Backpack Millionaire.

Just to give you a brief snapshot, some of the things I’ve done recently include…

  • Launching a business that has done over 8 figures ($10MM in sales in it's first 18 months) without any venture capital whilst travelling the world.
  • Networking and making friends with some of the world's most powerful wealth creation experts and global leaders.
  • Speaking to close to 20,000+ people LIVE all over the world, USA, UK, Singapore, Europe, FIJI, Bahamas, Costa Rica, Mexico, Australia + gazillion other countries I can't think of now whilst I write this.
  • Spent over $1.2Million cash on Facebook running ads on a single campaign with double digit ROI.
  • Grew a list of over 550,000+ subscribers from all over the world.
  • Took my parents to spiritual pilgrimage Saudi Arabia on a dream trip.
  • Tried to buy a GoldMine in Ghana at the age of 22, lol.
  • Invested over $1Million cash into investments in a single year paying the STUPID TAX (another story for another day)
  • And lots of other things (embarrassing, costly, stressful and things my dad would even GASP at!)


Everything I learn from these valuable experiences; Good, Bad & Ugly is passed on to my readers of Online Profits DAILY – my free newsletter, and in our highly actionable and educational premium products. Because unlike other people that will just flash their cash, show off their cars and tell you how good it is. I will tell you this; Entrepreneurship is probably the hardest thing you will ever do in your entire life. Most people will never succeed. As the billionaire maverick Mark Cuban says, it's the only 24-7 sport. It is. I will show you the real journey of myself and my clients. You'll be able to learn every single day as you go along.

In addition to WealthAcademy; The World's Most Effective Education For Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners…

I’m also the founder of GURU Funnels; Done For You Premium Sales Funnels For Growing ANY Business, SoloAdsAgency; Done For You Traffic Agency that I started back in 2009. All of these have grown to the multiple million dollar levels and are on track each year to grow by 100%.

My other business ventures include investing in startups range from Software, Property, Apps, Solar, Cryptocurrency, Crypto Tech and some other private businesses. (Jan 2018. I've stopped actively seeking or investing into anything other than 

I am also working on creating an international charity that provides entrepreneurship education to young people and spiritual education to orphans. (Pray for me on this one) 🙂

Prior to my business career, I was taught to go to school, college, university, get a degree, work in a respected field such as Accounting, Law, or Banking. What every asian father dreams of his son to do. To everyone's surprise I dropped out of unversity in my final year and decided that I was going to start my internet business…

Subscribe today and join over 500,000+ subscribers that get my daily newsletter. Notes from Online Profits DAILY.

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Why Join The Premiere Community Of WealthAcademy?

You need an unfair advantage. When you have this you're above and beyond what most people are doing, therefore you are positioned inside the best place to succeed. Think about it, if you wanted to reach your friend do you go to Google and type in some random numbers? Or do you go ahead to your phone and directly dial them so there's no error, just a direct line.

Well when it comes to online marketing and creating wealth from internet marketing, I did it in my early twenties.

When you become financially free, attract your soul-mate, buy every luxurious good under the sun that you dreamed about, you reach a point where you want to do things for others, I've been feeling a little like this since I was 25 so few years back I invested close to 6 figures buying up domains to build my core focus and acquired;

No Business Mentor is the same… I’ve been fortunate and blessed (Thank You God) to have built over 10 Million Dollar Brands, Products & Promotions. I’ve created the largest 550,000+ group of Home Business Insider’s – daily loyal subscribers via my Online Profits Daily research advisory.

I’ve invested close to half a million dollars into my own education, training, coaching and mentorship from the worlds best to become what many would consider as one of the world’s best marketers. Also 8 years of consistent traveling around the world, meeting, networking and deep diving into the minds and hearts of millionaires and billionaires GALORE…

I’ve paid the dues of traveling the world, sacrificing friends, family, health, love life (well, now I’m married 😉 but you get the point). It’s taken A LOT of work to network, meet become friends with people at the top…

Since 2009 I've been travelling the world to learn what I know today. Most of these gentlemen have become “One Text Away” now.  From right to left:

Jay Kubassek, Shaqir Hussyin, Alan, Aaron Parkinson, Andre Chaperon (speaks at my TMS event), Jordan Belfort (Wolf Of Wall Street), Brian Rose (London Reel), Dan Pena ($50Billion Man), Chris Cardell, David Sharpe, Mike Dillard (Speaks at TMS event) Saj P, Paul O, TJ Roheleder, Ted Nicholas, Ryan Deiss, Dan Sullivan, Paul Lynch, Tai Lopez, Fred Catona)

At the end of the day you become who you surround yourself with.

Want to become a Millionaire – learn from a Millionaire Mentor.

It’s obvious that the world is rapidly changing. Exciting or scary, the harsh reality is; it's CHANGING. You either get in and ride the wave or you will get left behind, there's no other way. Government debt and central bank balance sheets are at levels never before seen in the history of the world. The ONLY control you have is the education you educate yourself with.

Education that you can use to turn your passion into profits, education that can get you to create a life of true Income, Location & Financial Freedom.

Like all things, the rapid change that comes from the current economic dynamics will create winners and losers. People who understand what’s happening and prepare for the risks and opportunities ahead will prosper. Everyone else will be a victim. Digital Marketing is probably the most valuable skill you can learn for your future.

Here at WealthAcademy, we want you to be in that first category; and we believe that in order to achieve true freedom and prosperity, you have to be able to make more moneykeep more of it, and increase your freedom. This all starts with how you increase your income. When you do this, you can invest and create massive wealth regardless of age, gender and background.

We are dedicated to creating education, training, certifications and success principles, and we provide concise, actionable information each day to help you achieve your goals.

We live in a big world, full opportunities….

I've boiled it down to 4 steps for Financial Freedom.

Create Value By Learning The Right Skills.
Create Assets That Turn That Value Into Money.
Create Cashflow & Multiply Your Assets.
Create Wealth.

That's how you create wealth the NEW way, instead of working for the next 20-40 years in a JOB. Follow my 4 step formula.

The Real Journey Of How It All Started

I attend a free live event, hosted by Mark Anastasi in London, UK. I met internet millionaires, guys such as Mike Filsaime, Saj P, Chris Farrell, and a bunch of others that are nowhere to be seen or heard from now. I join my first business opportunity Carbon Copy PRO & WealthMasters International. I have no idea what AWeber is or what things like Sales Funnels even means. At this point, I go all in. I grew up in East London, and then met a young man from the local area who's banking up to $100,000 per day… you didn't need to tell me anything else. I dropped out the next day and began to study, work and commit myself to 18 hour days. I didn't have the money so I begged and borrowed $45,000 to start my internet business. I then went to Las Vegas, November 2009.

I have my first break. I speak on stage in front of 750 people at the Social Media Millionaires Summit. We generate a staggering amount of sales in such a short time (90 minutes from stage) I fall in love with the idea of being able to speak to sell and having people pay me. Lot's of money. I connect with few friends and mentors, some of them my best friends today. I end up that year doing over $120K in sales.

I start hiring my first team members, one from school and one being my cousin. We work from this tiny little attic that was a converted garage with broken desks, wobbly chairs and a £50 per month rent. The team members decide they will work for me for £200 per month to help me get moving. My mum across the road makes rice and curry so we can save money instead of eating out, we eat in. I commit myself 7 days a week, no tv, no movies, no going out. Just pure dedication, grind and hustle. I learn about closing on the phone, driving traffic and buying paid media. I end the year with about $275k in sales.

I make my first million dollars. It was $1.2M… All from working in the attic.

Within less than 2 years I grow the business to over $300K per month and I double it to $2.4M and scale up what I'm doing by hiring 2 more team members. I get the taste of generating multiple millions.

I grow it to $3.6M I decide to leave home permanently and travel the world by myself whilst running my business.

I grow my little internet business to $6.5M that year

I grow it to close to $8M running multiple companies, businesses and living the backpack millionaire laptop lifestyle.

Whilst travelling the world, I'm speaking at this event in Mexico where everyone paid about $30,000 per person. I speak.

I connect with a beautiful women on a boat somewhere in Mexico. December 1st. I get married.

The ONE THING: WealthAcademy. Watch me…

Back to business; I take all my focus and focus it on WealthAcademy as my ONE big thing for the next decade. By 2028 my goal is to build a billion dollar company, a movement of WealthHackers, disrupting how education is taught because I strongly believe typical education doesn't set us up to create financial freedom.

I travel extensively but typically spend time between London, Toronto, Singapore, Dubai – those 4 countries.

Are You Ready To Make The Next 12 Months ROCK?

  • Want to finally start a real profitable business, but don’t know where to begin?
  •  Do you have a business, but need more consistent revenue instead of rollercoaster income?
  •  Do your friends and family doubt or discourage you when you share your big goals & dreams with them?
  •  Do you know deep down that you’re meant for success, but lack self-confidence, self-esteem and self worth?
  •  Do you want to build a 6-7- or even 8 figure business that you can leave as a legacy to your loved ones?
  •  Have you ever (& still) struggle to sell your product or service to your target market?
  •  Do you want to build a large loyal “Hyper Responsive” audience, but don’t know how? (Having this
  •  Do you feel overwhelmed and confused by all of the information available to you?
  •  Would you like to build a brand that attracts premium clients and repels the wrong clients?
  •  Would you like to have a lifestyle business that works even without you? *but yes, you do have to put some initial work right now. Take action now to book your call and SHOW up for the call to make things happen.


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It’s free to join the daily newsletter with thousands of readers, it’s packed with information and insights and best of all, it’s based on proven time tested principles that are working for me… there’s no verbose pontification (technophobe language) used here– I and my team both have better things to do with our time.

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The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing direct response marketing and advertising since 2009, and have an established following as a result. Although I’ve trained over 500,000+ subscribers and clients globally. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent hard work, effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please do not bother to proceed with any information we share. Thanks for stopping by.
We offer complimentary ways to learn about how to start creating a business online. There is no obligation to buy, there's no high pressure boiler room sales type of stuff we offer. In fact if you can't afford our products, services and programs, we recommend you don't proceed with our products and services. We offer a premium service to premium clients who want to do business on a premium level. At the end of every free training, blog post, article, email, phone call, live event, seminar, conference we may have things for sale. Just like if you walk into a supermarket, there are 100+ things to buy. We have a wide variety of products, services and training programs based on my personal results of building 10 different businesses to the 7 figure levels. You can make your own decision when you view.

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